MiVu Procedure

Diverse group of male and female surgeons in operating theatre wearing face masks performing surgery

What is MiVu?
MiVu (Esophageal Mucosal Integrity Test) is a minimally invasive testing system that is used during endoscopy to
measure the integrity or intactness of the esophageal mucosa.

Why is MiVu being recommended for me?
Your physician may use MiVu to help better evaluate you for esophageal conditions, such as GERD
(gastroesophageal reflux disease) or EoE (eosinophilic esophagitis)

What happens during a MiVu procedure?
MiVu is performed during your upper endoscopy (EGD) while under anesthesia. The MiVu Endo Cap attaches to
the distal end of the endoscope and is placed into your esophagus. There are special sensors on the device that
gather measurements of your esophagus. Your physician will share the results with you when complete.

Learn More About MiVu:
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Meet Your Physician

Thomas Kramer

Thomas Kramer


Maurice-Pierre Pagé

Maurice-Pierre Pagé

General Surgery

Katherine Babbitt

Katherine Babbitt

General Surgery

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